How To Get The Most Out of Mountain Biking on Maui

As anyone who has pressed their face to the airplane window as their flight descends into Maui can tell you, this second largest island is truly an amazing sight to behold. 

From the air, it’s obvious that this Hawaiian treasure holds an infinite number of peaks and valleys to explore, coves and beaches to hide away on, and lush tropical mountainsides to enjoy.  

Where to explore while mountain biking on Maui

What may not be so obvious at first, is that the unique topography of the island also creates one of the best playgrounds in the world for mountain biking on Maui.

Explore Haleakala

Because Maui is made up of two volcanos, West Maui Mountain and Haleakala (don’t worry they are dormant. In fact, Haleakala is the world’s LARGEST dormant volcano)  it creates a super unique and diverse landscape to play in and on.

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A combination of interior lowlands, high-altitude mountain slopes, lower mountain slopes, and high mountains means that whatever environment you want to ride in, you can probably find.

Explore forest reserve on mountain bikes

You will be certain to explore more and fill up your nature cup on a mountain bike ride in either the  Makawao Forest Preserve or the Kula Forest Preserve.

It’s a magical experience like no other, experiencing the different types of soil and dirt under your tires, and investigating the diverse flora and fauna of the island, and you’ll be able to see far more than if you were just hiking.

From the air Maui is majestic.  From the ground, it becomes even more so. Experiencing the lush biodiversity and topographical magic that mountain biking on Maui has to offer from behind the handlebars of a mountain bike is a magical experience everyone should have.

Tourists enjoy mountain biking on Maui

Tourists, travelers, and locals alike can all experience Maui on two wheels. Because even if you have been to Maui before, or if you have always lived on the island, it just looks different behind the handlebars.

In fact, if you aren’t sure you want to go “all in” right away, there are plenty of great bike shops that will be happy to rent a bike to you for a day or two of dirt adventures. 

You can rent mountain bikes on Maui

Right in downtown Makawao, only 2.4 miles from some of the best mountain biking in Maui, is Krank Cycles  This awesome shop has a huge selection of high-end rental bikes in all sizes, helmets, and a lot of stoke to get you out on your first ride, and having the time of your life!

Maybe you are a person who just likes to spend time outside with your family, enjoying nature.  There is a little better way to cover ground, breathe in the air, and investigate all the different indigenous species you’ll find in Hawaii, than deep in one of the huge forest preserves. Learn more about our bike rental delivery service.

You can learn mountain biking on Maui

Whatever type of rider you are, you’ll find some fat tire fun that will be sure to have you dreaming of mountain biking on Maui for years to come.  Even if you aren’t currently a cyclist, you could be in no time!

With such a rich variety in trails, there is an option to try something new and fun within your comfort zone, and several shops in the area specialize in renting, advising, and helping you have an amazing experience in Maui.

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